by ending corruption and incentivizing problem-solving

We’re looking for common sense people who want to end corruption and drain the swamp. If you love your country, and want to take back our republic from special interests, then read on to discover how. We, the People, can win and put Voters First!
Together We Are Stronger
We Win with Common-Sense Ideas
We put people over politics. Our leaders should commit to fixing the broken political system by supporting key aspects of the American Anti-Corruption Act.
We Win with Good Governance
Our leaders should be pragmatic problem solvers who are willing to show good faith effort in legislating. They should use facts and reason to formulate their positions, and work across the aisle to find common ground and advance common sense legislation.
We Win as our Voters First Movement Grows
As more people turn their frustrations into actions through our non-partisan movement, we can build a strong campaign that leads to real changes benefiting all Wisconsinites.
We Need You To Get Involved
Millions across the country are already involved in this movement to fix the broken system, but we need more. Watch this video and take action! If you want to join our state leadership team and utilize your “superpower” for a good cause, please contact us!

Everyone agrees – our political system is broken.
What Is The Problem?
Housing, healthcare, and education costs strain working Americans. Our immigration system is broken. 78% of US workers live paycheck to paycheck. Suicides and depression in record numbers. Many big problems are not getting solved because the 2-party duopoly is in a cold war.
Congress has a 20% approval rating but incumbents have a 90% re-election rate!
Low competition, low voter participation, and low accountability allow a doom loop where not much is getting done. Watch the explanation at Unite America to understand the problem and how to fix it.
What Is The Solution?
The solution is to create a system that has healthy competition, common-sense transparency, & greater accountability from legislators.
Four nonpartisan election reforms – some already in place in many states across the country – can increase competition and participation in our election process, as well as improve incentives to work across the aisle to solve problems:
1. Final-Five Voting: Top Five Single Ballot Primaries + Instant Runoff General Elections
2. Non-partisan redistricting process
3. Reduce the influence of money in politics
4. Strengthen election and voter security & access
Where Have We Won?
Our political dysfunction has been decades in the making. Although our mission to fix the broken political system is going to take time, there have been crucial “wins” across the country to take back our republic.
Learn more about our collective “wins” and be inspired to help us move Wisconsin forward!
Join Our Leadership Team
If we want our elected leaders to work better together, then we have to do the same. Voters First Wisconsin are team-oriented Republicans, Democrats, and Independents working together to fix our broken political system so that we can have a more prosperous future for ourselves and our posterity. There are plenty of ways to get involved – it might be the most important community service work you’ll ever engage in! We need community leaders and political philanthropists similar to what was needed for women’s suffrage and the civil rights movement. We hope you will join us!
Sign Our Petition

13330 Kirkwood Dr
New Berlin, WI 53151